
FEAD at CallFasst

Forming High Performance Teams in the Call Center

At CallFasst we take continuous improvement seriously, that is why we periodically carry out activities to measure results that allow us to identify the situation in the following areas: customer-focused operations, personnel management, work environment and follow-up of payroll incidents or legal issues.

As a result of these evaluations, we have sought to promote middle management, since these are positions that require soft skills that sometimes personnel have as an area of opportunity for leadership.

That is why since 2017 a program has been created to develop the leadership skills of middle managers called FEAD: Formación de Equipos de Alto Desempeño (Formation of High Performance Teams). Carlos Alejandro Regalado Ramírez, Training & Development and Quality Manager gave us the details of this program. As its name suggests, it is focused on bringing together a group of people to give them the tools that will enable them to manage teams with greater efficiency and in search of professional excellence.

The project started with a pilot with 6 workshops and, currently, the number has increased to 11 workshops for MM (middle management) and 3 for consultants, one of them focused on sales. There are currently 22 specialties and the plan is to have certification for all middle management personnel by 2024.

Evaluation tools

In 2024, Lucía Morelos joined the FEAD team to contribute more resources to the program, such as the specific evaluation for middle management through a digital tool. This evaluation is applied to all MM personnel and, based on the results, the workshops that will be given to them are designed.

These evaluations not only allow us to establish the level of training that each person requires, but also to measure their evolution and, for this year, to be able to obtain a certification that endorses what they have learned. In addition to this, there are two additional evaluations to measure the benefits of the workshop: the first focuses on its operational indicators, more specifically, its turnover and quality results; the second focuses on the work environment.

The value of awareness

In summary, FEAD starts with three steps:

  • Knowing
  • Doing
  • Wanting

This last point is crucial to the success of the program, which is why the key factor in FEAD workshops is to create awareness of what is being done and what its impact will be. In fact, awareness is an element that is highly aligned to the company; if the staff is not aware of all that their work entails and its impact, they will not be willing to do it well. Likewise, if the workshop is imposed, it is difficult for the results to be the same.

Preparing for life

One factor to note about FEAD is that it provides tools that are not only important for better middle management leadership within CallFasst. The big goal of FEAD is to help people improve. When you train someone with a soft skill, it transcends not only to the workplace but to improve in all aspects of life.

The main objective for the future is that, through the tool that triggered these workshops, we will focus on the current 22 specific skills. In this way we will achieve more than satisfactory levels that will be reflected in continuous improvement.

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