The importance of training in our contact centers
There are fundamental objectives to be achieved in all companies, one of them is to provide a distinctive quality service (particularly in contact centers). In order to achieve it, a key element is human capital. On this occasion, Carlos Alejandro Regalado Ramirez, Manager of Quality, Training & Development, shares with us CallFasst’s vision of its training processes.
Human capital is a fundamental piece to achieve organizational objectives and profitability. However, it is not enough just to have it; we also need to develop all its potential, so organizations must continuously train their employees.
Training is a basic tool to achieve the goals of a contact center, and also allows the comprehensive development of staff, which has an impact on loyalty, commitment and excellence in the activities performed. That is why in CallFasst we strive to provide transcendental, innovative and excellent training.
The training in contact centers seeks to respond to the needs of the operation, guiding the training to meet the requirements of our customers, but it is also sensitive to the development of its staff, that is why it offers courses that can contribute to their overall growth, not only professionally, but also personally, for example, the improvement of soft skills.
We continually seek to innovate, adapting to the needs not only of our clients, but also to the demands of today’s life. An example of this is the Covid-19 pandemic, where modifications were made to the traditional way of providing training, seeking new strategies to respond to current conditions, including e-learning options.
Continuous development
An important benefit within CallFasst is that, although the staff does not always have previous experience, when they join, they are provided with the basic knowledge to develop their work in the operational areas, through a specially oriented training that allows, once completed, to comply with the main activities to be performed on a daily basis.
However, training does not end there; once they are part of our work team, we continuously look for ways to develop our personnel, either in the classroom or with support materials that allow them to have the necessary tools for their activities, among them:
· Digital material: electronic publications, interactive and eye-catching, where we introduce the information required to answer customer’s needs.
· Multimedia material: short videos with information and tips.
Leadership culture in training for contact centers
Something important to highlight is the focus on the middle management of our organization; we train the personnel in charge of our advisors, which allows us to improve not only the quality of the service, but also the response to different situations faced by the advisors and those responsible for them. We provide courses that allow the improvement of soft skills from the moment they become part of a middle management position, and constantly, responding to the needs in their respective areas.
These courses are divided into 3 levels:
- Level 1. It is offered when occupying a middle management position. It consists of an induction training that allows the employee to have an orientation focused on his new role.
- Level 2. Consists of comprehensive workshops where about 6 courses are offered focused on soft skills that allow the middle management to develop teamwork skills, leadership, assertive communication, among others.
- Level 3. It consists of complementary courses that are offered in addition to level 2. They cover different topics, including courses on technological tools.
An interesting fact in our company, and particularly in the training area, is the given chance to consultants. Those with the best results have the opportunity to participate in Level 2 and Level 3 workshops in order to encourage them and fully develop their potential.
Developing strong human capital to face the future
During 2021, more than 90 middle managers were trained in soft skills, resulting in improvements for their work teams. In addition, more than 80 middle managers and advisors were trained in technological tools, which provides a better command of information and allows for better results. In general, during 2021, we were able to develop more than 190 middle managers in the different levels of development offered by CallFasst.
In summary, in this turbulent time for organizations, the key and fundamental is human capital. In CallFasst we know this reality, so our trainings are focused on the development of each of our collaborators, providing the knowledge of the necessary tools to perform their work and also integrating soft skills to complement the profile of our consultants and middle managers, thus achieving a company with a strong human capital that allows us to move forward and face the challenges that lie ahead.